
Day 12

My kids guzzled this smoothie right up. We actually made it 2 times today because they begged for more. I don't have exact mesaurements, but here's what we used. Frozen strawberries, frozen blueberries, frozen raspberries, a BIG spoonful of frozen concentrated apple juice, a handful of spinach(they can't taste it I swear!), a little water, and a little sugar so it's not too tart. It was DELICIOUS!!!


Jessica B Photography said...

Ah-ha! Spinach smoothie!!! Not enough spinach there, darling. That messy face should be green and not strawberry red!! My older kids won't drink it because my husband has brainwashed them, but my baby loves it! YUM

Grace said...

I'm just learning about this healthy stuff:) I'll try more next time. Yeah my husband will probably do something like that too, but that's ok, I've brainwashed my daughter about pickles (cuz I hate the smell)